Sunday, October 7, 2007

New Book: It Never Rains in Tiger Stadium

There's a great excerpt from John Ed Bradley's new book It Never Rains in Tiger Stadium on right now.

An all-conference lineman for the Tigers in the late 70s, Bradley looks back at his time as a Tiger and what it means to him all these years later. I've linked the book below if you're interested...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It Never Rained in Tiger Stadium while John Ed Bradley played there for a mythological/scientific reason. The purely negative energy that his core was and surely, still is, repelled the rain as he is a veritable stormcloud himself and thus, the "gods" of football wished to spare his teammates, the fans, etc. Upon Bradley's release from his Eden of a stadium into the real world he began thoroughly drenching the populace with raindrops emanating from a most nefarious self.